How to find/Check IP Address of any website

Determine the IP address of any Website:

You can find the IP address of any website with many ways. I will mention some of method here in this article.
1.       One of the easiest way to determine the IP of any website is from command prompt, open command prompt by typing “cmd” in start or Run.

In command prompt type ping followed by name of website for which you want to find the IP address, for example I need the IP of I shall type "ping" in command prompt and you will see the reply from IP address which will be the IP of your required website. Please note that you need a active internet connect for this. You can see that in my case Google has the IP Address

1.       The second method to determine the IP of any website by using a website  Go to and type the name of website for which you want to determine IP address. And in IP select you can easy find the IP address of website.

You can verify the IP address of any website by typing the IP address in web browser, correct IP address will open the respective website. 

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