Fixed: 502 Bad Gateway Error nginx chrome Firefox cloudflare bluehost

Fixed: 502 Bad Gateway Error nginx chrome Firefox cloudflare bluehost

When we browse the Internet we can find all kinds of errors and problems when trying to connect to different web pages, some of them may be our responsibility, such as a bad IP configuration, DNS and even not having Internet but others, such as error 404, be generated on the remote server. One of these most common remote errors is Error 502 Bad Gateway, which we will explain in this article.

The "Error 502 Bad Gateway" is an error that gives us the server when it is unable to process an incoming request for various reasons such as a failure of understanding between two servers or the server is unable to process certain tasks .
Web pages usually show this error in various ways, for example, saying that an error has just happened, as Google does, or blaming capacity problems when it is saturated and not being able to process all requests as in the case of Twitter.
As we say, this failure depends on the remote server that we try to visit, so we can not do anything to solve it. However, we do not have to give up, and even if we see this error when visiting a page, there are ways to continue accessing it as we will see below.

How to resolved Error 502 Bad Gateway on a web

Normally this type of errors are usually temporary, so the first thing we should do is wait a few minutes and try again the web page. In most cases, this is enough to make the web page reload normally. In addition, we can also force our browser to clear the cache and reload the web as we show you below.
In case the website still does not work, the next step will be to try to connect to it through a VPN server . It is possible that the saturated server that causes us error 502 is just responsible for offering access to our network and that, due to a bad load balance, this is not being correctly derived. Therefore, we can try to access our website from another part of the world with a VPN server and see if this connection works normally again. In this case any VPN could be enough, but we recommend Betternet.

Finally, if through the VPN server we still can not access the websites, the last step is to try to do it through the cache stored by different platforms on their servers. For this, for example, we can use the CachedView platform , enter the URL and see if we can load the temporary copy stored there.
If in these ways the web still does not work, there is not much more we can do except wait for the administrators of the page in question to finally solve it.
Have you ever encountered a web page that returns the 502 Bad Gateway error?