How to Email or upload .exe with gmail | Blocked for security reasons!

How to upload an executable and others files those are Blocked for security reasons using Gmail:

As a security reason to save you from viruses and from other malicious software Gmail has blocked  to send or receive  .exe files. Similarly you can't send zip file having executable files or .rar file within a .rar or zip file.
wherever you upload such file you get the message "Blocked for security reasons! "

If you need to email an executable file (.exe) and you know that this is not a harmful file, you can send it by following method.

On windows 8:

Step 1-Show file extensions: If your operating system is windows 8 then open the folder that have the exe file which you want to email. Then from view tab check the checkbox "file name extensions ". this will show file extensions.

Step 2-rename file and remove extension: now right click on file and rename, remove .exe from it.
Windows will confirm from you click on yes.

Now you have an unrecognized file, you can attach this to gmail easily without any error message and receiver of this email can use this file by adding .exe extension using above method.

On windows 7:
On windows 7 you can send the executable file with same method but showing file extensions is a little different. You can show the file extensions on windows 7 by following steps:

Open the organize\folder and search option from file explore.

and then from view tab unclear the checkbox "hide extensions for known files' and click on OK.

now remove the .exe extension from file. In this way you can email an executable file using gmail.