How to use IOS image in Gns3 0.8.6 on Linux:
This is a basic article related to Gns3 in which I ll show you that how you can add different IOS images of routers and switches in gns3 version 0.8.6 for performing different routing labs and switching labs.1. Open “IOS images and Hypercvisors” for edit menu.
2. browse for the image file in Image file and select the platform like 1700, 2600 or 3600 according to your IOS, then select the Model of your Cisco router. Click save for saving IOS.
3. For using this IOS into Gns3 typologies click on router symbol in upper left corner of GNS3 and drag the desire router IOS on dashboard. Similarly you can use switches and qemu host IOS in same way.