Here are some possible solutions for "Generic Host Process For Win32 Services Encountered A Problem and needs to close."
This article include solutions for this error for both Domain host Having this Problem and stand alone local PC.
Solution for Generic Host Process For Win32 Services for Domain User (Microsoft Active directory user):
Solution for Generic Host Process For Win32 Services for Stand alone user:
That all for my end hope Your problem will resolve from my experience thanks.
This article include solutions for this error for both Domain host Having this Problem and stand alone local PC.
Solution for Generic Host Process For Win32 Services for Domain User (Microsoft Active directory user):
- If a Microsoft Active directory user have this issue then log on to that PC with administrator account or with any other domain user and check that windows again show this error or not.
- If not then rename that user profile. For windows XP you can find profile from c:\document and setting\ and in windows 7 you find this profile folder at C:\Users. e.g. user viki have this problem then you need to rename this viki folder with any other name like viki1.
- Now log on again with that user having "Generic Host Process For Win32 error" after login. This time system will not find any profile for that user and will create a new profile for this user.
- After login this error will not be shown and if it shown again then you need to run a system repair.
Solution for Generic Host Process For Win32 Services for Stand alone user:
- You can also try above mention solution for stand alone PC.
- Open the registry by typing regedit in run and go to KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters and find the file TransportBindName in left dialog box and set it value to blank.
That all for my end hope Your problem will resolve from my experience thanks.